Page Replacements

Syndicate Specific Text

Place different text elements on each Syndicate.

For SEO flexibility publishing more than one Syndicate, we have introduced Page Replacements.

Example on Caravan Sitefinder:

We can include placements in a layout that can be altered by the administrator on a per Syndicate basis.

Zend Framework Update

Keeping up to date

As part of the v2.66 we have updated the underlying Zend Framework software that provide the backbone of The Tribalogic Platform - we are now using version 1.9.1.

More information on the update is available on the Zend Framework website.

Bookster Pro

We are in the process of developing an advanced version of the Bookster Self Catering online booking service.

Bookster Pro will be for agencies of self catering properties that are looking to get an edge over their competitors.

For more information, visit