Software Update (v2.109 & v2.110)
Written by Robin Morris ,
Major updates
- New cookie law compliance: Add a Website option that will display a pop-up message asking users to agree to the use of cookies
- Layouts: move layouts towards being more like standard HTML for future viewing and editing by clients
- Workflow service: add a new module that provides a "Workflow" service for some basic CRM functionality
- Admin Console: allow Admin Users to delete non-empty Subscriptions
- Directory: allow prices to be pulled onto full info pages using AJAX
- Booking: allow bookings with a checkout date in the past to be cancelled
- Booking: add "card fee" column to the booking export
- Drupal: create a plugin to pull in directory content into a remote Drupal installation
Minor updates and bugfixes
- Admin Console: fix Media Upload Gallery in some newer versions of Firefox
- Directory: Tweaks to new Google Maps location interface
- Directory: move Email and contact form into new element structure
- Directory: Allow searching for multiple Entries using IDs, e.g.:
- Directory: when formatting an address, treat multi-line generic elements in the same way as different components
- Admin Console: move "Add" buttons etc. to RHS and style
- Performance: move a sanity check done every request to a 1-per-day server job
- Performance: use shared layout skipping code to cut down on duplication
- Performance: improve Directory caching of HTML snippets
- Legacy: tidy up old consoles
- Legacy: remove the "Disable Online Booking" feature
- Legacy: remove the "generic" features
- Legacy: remove the "Disable buying search" feature
- Legacy: remove the "alpha" mode from multipage stuff
- Legacy: remove users menu option from brand console as now available in the Admin Console
- Legacy: remove the old map_service
- Legacy: remove links to awards in Management Console
- Legacy: remove system messages
- Legacy: remove links back to the Admin Console from the Brand Console
- Bugfix: the trace profile should validate the booking state when it is set
- Bugfix: Legacy: Restore userajax.php for now as it's still used.
- Bugfix: Booking: fixed bug when summing credit card details in booking export
- Bugfix: fix bug in slider and added additional options
- Bugfix: fix bugs in tlZend_Form_Element_Range
- Bugfix: removed stray debug
- Bugfix: properly continue on invalid embeddable things when trying to send emails
- Bugfix: fix a bug with expanding override view on add booking page
- Bugfix: fix payments-due for single, uncleared payments