Software Update (v2.103)
Written by Robin Morris ,
Major changes
- New "Add booking" process
- allow Administrators to place a booking even if it will cause a double booking
- allow Administrators to override various rules that stop the public booking (reduced availability, check in/out rules, min-night stay etc.)
- do not send confirmation emails when placing bookings in the Admin Console - this is now done separately (see below)
- Allow Administrators to publish Syndicates to their Websites
- New booking profile page
- Allow Administrators to send or resend booking confirmation emails
- Improve Bookster Self Catering availability calendar widget and booking screens styling
- Change in permissions that makes it easier for clients to share entries
Minor updates and bug fixes
- add a "clear" button to reset Admin Console searches
- solve a problem that would have stopped Bookster users in Internet Explorer 7 & 8 from using the Admin Console
- fix a problem that caused the Image Uploader fail in Internet Explorer under certain circumstances