Goodbye Gerome, Hello John
Written by Robin Morris ,
Goodbye Gerome, Hello John
Last month saw a change in faces around the Tribalogic Lair, with the arrival of John and the departure of Gerome.

Gerome had been with us for around three years and was fantastic to work with - we will miss his excellent dev skills but more importantly his sense of fun and enthusiasm.
The remote control helicopter, ad hoc iPhone stands made out of Starbucks cups and the creation of the shark hat were some of the many highlights.

For some reason Gerome decided that going to live with his lovely French girlfriend in Aix-en-Provence was too big a draw and so left Edinburgh for the sunnier climate of the South of France.
Thanks for all your hard work Gerome and good luck in France!
It is great to have some new ideas and a different take on things with the arrival of John to the Tribalogic fold.
John is mainly going to be concentrating on the online booking side of things and with Gerome's helping hand is settling into Gerome's seat nicely.... although having said that Gerome used to stand all day for some reason, I wonder if he stands at his new job...