A work in progress: Bookster Rooms
Written by Robin Morris ,
In a slight break from convention, I am going to tell you about a product that we do not really publicise at present but is being used by a number of our clients.
We call it Bookster Rooms.
Bookster Rooms is for aparthotels, B&Bs or small hotels.
What does it do?
Bookster Rooms is a mechanism for taking showing availability and taking booking from your own website.
It is very similar to Bookster Self Catering which you can learn more about on www.booksterhq.com.
So what are the differences between Bookster Rooms over Bookster Self Catering?
- It allows the definition of multiple room types at a single location
- Guests can book multiple rooms at that locaiton

Where can I see it working?
Check out Bookster Rooms in action on Destination Edinburgh.
Tell me more ...
If you are interested in learning more about Bookster Rooms, get in touch and we will explain what we can offer.