AKA "Robin Morris Release"

  • [Feature] - Allow filtering by number of videos
  • [Feature] - Allow the placement of entry video on 3rd party web sites (722)
  • [Feature] - Allow listings to be styled based on score (803)
  • [Feature] - Create Featured Entry Joomla Module (854)
  • [Feature] - Added integration with payment gateways for the Booking Platform.
    • Previous implementation that allow complex structures of deposits to be configured now becomes useful.
    • CyberSource integration almost complete - not fully rolled out yet due to changed focus for this release.
    • PayPal integration moving on at pace. Introduced new booking states to allow for putting a booking on hold while we pop off and pay via PayPal's site.
  • [Update] - Improvements to the availability cache in the Booking platform have made calendar display several orders of magnitude faster. More optimisation is needed here but it's good progress.
  • [Update] - Allow groups to be removed from find filters (828)
  • [Update] - Update UK Geodata (838)
  • [Bugfix] - Fix problem with review caches (827)
  • [Bugfix] - Investigate slow speed and memory consumption of certain Online Booking set ups (834)